April 13, 2018

Internal Debate – rejigging a course

There is always an internal debate it seems when we are provided with direction that one of our courses needs to be revised. In my case I need to add an exam and remove one of the assignments.  My internal debate is that I LOVE MY ASSIGNMENTS. They are practical, hands-on, realistic, applied learning opportunities for students and (insert stamping of feet and tantrum)

tantrum I don’t want to remove any of them. So I have decided to reduce some content that is not foundational (detailed history) and use the assignment has to be removed to make “room” for the exam as an in-class activity.  I can’t remove a lot of content so unfortunately this will make two of the classes feel rather squished.

The students will not receive grades on the activity but it provides them with the opportunity to apply concepts from the course in a realistic scenario. The assignment is to review a case study, assess the appropriate level of discipline, and then justify the level of discipline based on the factors that arbitrators consider. It is a fabulous exercise and one I refuse to remove completely. Exams are important and required but don’t provide the depth of application that the assignments provide because of the amount of content that must be covered on an exam.  I can’t sacrifice something I find substantive to their learning so a squishing-I-will-go!


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